Avocado & Cholesterol Facts

Research conducted by a cardiologist in Queensland, Australia, found that consumption of avocado (1 per day) can substitute low-fat diet to lower cholesterol. The study was conducted by comparing women who were given a diet high in carbohydrates but low in fat with other women who were given a diet high in avocados for 3 weeks. Avocado is eaten or smeared on bread or crackers. The results of these studies indicate cholesterol dropped an average of 4.9 percent in the first group and 8.2 percent in the second group. Low-fat diet did not reduce levels of bad cholesterol, and even lower levels of good cholesterol to 14 percent. This is especially true at very low fat diet. Conversely, eating avocados can lower bad cholesterol.

Saturated fatty acid content in avocados is 2.13 g/100g, while monounsaturated fats is reach 9.8 g/100g. Consumption of fatty acids present in avocados, can actually improve cholesterol levels and protect damage to the arteries (blood vessels). Fat avocados also contain polyunsaturated fatty acids with levels of 1.82 g/100g. The benefit is equal to that of sea fish. Consumption in an amount sufficient to provide optimum health benefits for the body. Fatty acids are found in avocados is oleic acid (such as fatty acids contained in the almond and olive oil). Oleic acid is an omega-9 fatty acids which can lower total cholesterol and LDL (bad cholesterol), but instead increase the HDL (good cholesterol).

Avocados also can increase the absorption of carotenoid compounds in the intestine, such as beta-carotene and alfakaroten, which are antioxidants. So, assuming that the avocado should be avoided for people with high cholesterol or fat is not true.